Friday, March 31, 2017

Geography: The intersection of economics, meteorology, and anthropology

Geography is the study of people, place and changes in locations across the globe. Since the beginning of time mankind has sought to understand our planetary home. Explorers of a bygone era sought to identify and chart the far reaches of Planet Earth. Over the course of several millennia expeditions were commissioned to compile knowledge about the human experience. From the historical records of Magellan, Christopher Columbus, Prince Henry the Navigator and others we gradually acquired a knowledge of the 6 continents. Thanks to the exploration of Matthew Henson and Robert Peary, Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott we also acquired knowledge of the North and  South Poles. The simplest way to explain or convey the findings of these adventures was by using maps and globes. Bit by bit over the past several centuries mankind's knowledge of the globe has been compiled into the modern representations of the world that we have today. With the increase of technology our exploration and the accompanying cartography have extended far beyond terra firma to include the depths of the ocean floor and the outer space. And we continue to create maps and globes updated to include the constellations of the night sky and ocean topography.  For more information about the night sky check out the Constellations Globe 

Constellations Globe by Replogle

The Record of Mankind's Travels

Maps and globes have allowed humanity to record the fruit of exploration over the past few millenia. Planet Earth is filled with various ecosystems, flora and fauna, ethnic groups and languages. The collective study of all these things is part of the discipline known as geography. However there is so much more to geography than just a globe or map, or a voyage of exploration. Geography is not just about an explorer's trip to some distant land, or a newly discovered place. Geography is not just about spinning a globe or finding a place on the map. Geography incorporates aspects of economics, anthropology, and current events. The topography of various areas of the globe has a significant impact on the choice made by different demographics. Migration patterns population density, traditional diets and habits of commerce are all impacted by geography. Traditional styles of clothing are impact by geography, because location determines climate and climate determines weather which in turn determines choices of textiles. Natural phenomena such as changes in the seasons, inclement weather and natural disasters all shape the experiences an individual has while living in a particular location.


Benefits of Geography and Owning a Globe

Studying geography can help an individual find their place within the global community. The modern world is very interconnect. Learning to think critically about one's personal identity and place within the globe community has become an essential part of being a global citizen. Countries have become intertwined, media, e-commerce, education and other aspects of everyday life exist in a state of interdependence. Goods are manufactured in China, the UK, the Middle East, South America and sold in the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Produce appears on US shelves from farms in Mexico, Guatamala or even Canada. No country stand alone. No individual stands alone. Learn more about the dynamic and rapidly changing world of the twenty-first century with a new globe or map reflecting the very latest in geopolitical descriptions and landmarks. Use one of these elegant globes as a design piece and as a reference tool. The Spectrum globe is an excellent choice for tabletops and desktops, find this and other artistic globes at our website

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