Monday, August 1, 2016

The Coolest Features of a Globe (and Why You Should Buy One)

       Globes have been around for centuries, however some people think that they are now obsolete. In reality, they're just as useful today as they were several years ago. Globes are meaningful today because they offer a fully three-dimensional view of the planet in a portable and practical way. Depending on the specific globe, they may also provide 3-D topographical information, data on trade routes, and other details

You Can Find Countries in the News

       News reports are frequently a way to learn about new places. Television programs frequently provide information about lesser known countries and capitals. It's common to see news reports about countries that weren't even in the general consciousness a few years ago. Occasionally we learn about new places because of references in the media.

Many people end up wondering where on the map these places are,  but the news reports rarely show the geographic location. Using a globe makes it easy to see exactly where countries are located. It can take a while to find a country on a globe the first time, especially when news reports only give vague descriptions like "in the Middle East" or "in Africa," but once the location has been pinpointed, it is unlikely to be forgotten. This is because you'll be able to see where it is in relation to places you already know about. Once you see it on the globe, you'll also be able to understand what the reports  are about. Difficulties related to airbase placement, shipping lanes, and other important factors involving the nearby countries and geographical features take on new meaning.

You Can Learn About an Area's Geography Without Actually Going There

     Globes show geographical landmarks such as mountains and rivers.  A high quality globe will render the topography in 3-D, which makes it even easier to tell their relative heights and depths. An understanding of geography and topography aids in understanding geopolitical boundaries and social development. With an understanding of geography it is easier to follow the growth of nations and exploration and settlement patterns. Climate can be fairly accurately predicted by distance from the equator. A place's proximity to the ocean is also a factor in determining weather patterns. Just by looking at the globe you can determine what season it is in a particular hemisphere. You can also tell what kind of weather is typical to that region. Patterns of precipitation such as snow, rain and sleet can be identified. Prediction can be made about ares that are likely to have hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, monsoon or other inclement weather. This knowledge is applicable for travel plans or determining where to live.

Globes Make it Easy to Teach Children About the Planet

A three-dimensional model of the world makes it easy to visualize where certain countries and landmarks are. Children have a limited knowledge base for geography and having a 3-D image of places they learn about can help them better understand the world around them.

Even adults have plenty of trouble visualizing where things are when they can't see 3D images of them on a globe. This is even worse for children because they have a limited base of already-known locations. Pointing everything out on the globe will make it easy for kids to learn and grown-ups to refresh their memories. There are even kid-friendly globes that are designed to make this easier.
 These are just some of the reasons that globes are still meaningful despite their ancient origin. Some of our decorative globes can be used as interior design accents. This makes them some of the most useful accents a home can have.
To learn more about our globes or get help choosing the best one for your needs, just contact us. We'll be glad to suggest the perfect ones for your needs.